Check if item is a MediaItem


You can check if an item is a media item by using:


It checks if ‘media library’ is part of the item’s path.

I had a multilist of items that could be either regular content items or media items, and needed to loop through and render a link for each one. Because you use different methods to render a MediaItem link (MediaManager.GetMediaUrl()) and regular item link (LinkManager.GetImageUrl()), I needed to know what type the item was.

Comments (imported from wordpress)

Mike Reynolds

March 11, 2013 at 00:48

Hi Martina,

Sitecore.Data.ItemPath — items.Paths is an instance of this class — has another similar property for content items: IsContentItem. This helps calling code ascertain if the item is a descendant of /sitecore/content/.


Thomas D

August 23, 2013 at 08:31


The property IsMediaItem just checks if the path starts with “/sitecore/media library/”. So a media folder within the media library is also considered a MediaItem. I handled this by also checking on TemplateID:

item.Paths.IsMediaItem && item.TemplateID != TemplateIDs.MediaFolder