sc:FieldRenderer and EnclosingTag

If you have a piece of content that requires a surrounding tag (like ‘h2’ around a heading, or ‘p’ around the contents of a multi-line text field), you can use ‘EnclosingTag’ on the FieldRenderer control; it will not display the enclosing tag if the field is empty.

<sc:FieldRenderer FieldName="Heading" EnclosingTag="h2" runat="server" />


<h2>My heading content</h2>

Strangely, it does not exist on the more specialised controls, like sc:Text or sc:Link.


  1. I had no idea this attribute was available on the FieldRenderer Web Control.

    Since I didn’t know about this attribute, I ended up creating a custom Field Control that does just this, and blogged about it here:

    Thank you for sharing this!


    1. Martina says:

      Likewise; I only found out about it very recently.

      I’ve seen custom controls that use templates, so that you aren’t restricted in the amount of surrounding markup, e.g.:

      <custom:FieldRenderer Field="Heading" runat="server">
          <HeaderTemplate><h1 class="nostyle"><span></HeaderTemplate>

      I would still find a control like that useful.

      1. I had to do something similar in the past — create ITemplates for controls — but not for a custom Sitecore Field/Web Control.

        What would you recommend to be a good paradigm for inserting a field’s value, if we were to use an ITemplate in a custom Field Control? For example, in an ASP.NET ListView, you can specify an ItemPlaceholderID — an ID of a container control for each DataItem of the LIstView’s Datasource.

      2. Martina says:

        I couldn’t say. The only use I can think of is surrounding markup – in the instance where I saw it used, there was no placeholder for the field value (probably because there was only ever a single value – like sc:text, sc:link, sc:date) – it was just output between the contents of the prefix and suffix ITemplate (if there was anything in the field). uses ITemplate like that.

      3. I was thinking of something like the following (please note: I have written this code in a basic text editor, not Visual Studio, and have not tested it):

            <sj:HtmlTagFieldControl ID="MyCustomFieldControl" FieldValueContainerID="myHeading" Field="My Field" runat="server">
        		<asp:Panel ID="myPanel" CssClass="my-div" runat="server">
        			<h4 id="myHeading" class="my-heading" runat="server" />
        PlaceHolder placeHolder = new PlaceHolder();
        private void InstantiateHtmlTemplate()
        	if (HtmlTemplate != null)
        		PutFieldValueInContainer(placeHolder, FieldValueContainerID);
        private void PutFieldValueInContainer(Control parentControl, string containerControlID)
        	Control containerControl = FindControlRecursive(parentControl, containerControlID);
        	if(containerControl != null)
        		Literal litFieldValue = new Literal();
        		litFieldValue.Text = GetFieldValue();
        private Control FindControlRecursive(Control parent, string descendantID)
        	// TODO:  find the descendant control with the given ID,and return
        private string GetFieldValue()
        	// TODO:  return the field's value

        With this code, I can avoid using a classic ASP-type context switch as was done in the post on Boro’s blog linked above.

  2. You can also use the Before and After properties to render generic HTML before, and after the control.

    <sc:FieldRenderer Before="Before” After=”After!” ID=”id1″ FieldName=”My Field” runat=”server” />

  3. wensveen says:

    Hi. Replying to an old but still relevant post. I didn’t know about this attribute either, and while useful it’s also very limited I’ve created a more generic Enclosure control that can display or hide ‘boilerplate’ html based on the output of any or all controls contained in it. For example:
    <my:Enclosure runat=”server”>

    Some content.

    Some content.


    The divs and the lines with Some content will not render when My Field is empty.
    Hope you find it useful. Best regards,

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